Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Read something into it.

Why is it that all those claiming to be intellectually thwarted keep going back to the community’s frowning upon TV and movies? Is that even where intelligence comes from? To the best of my knowledge it has been scientifically proven that children (and mice) learn very little from watching intellectual activities, as compared to those that get hands on involvement.

Sitting in from of a screen has a greater potential of turning one into a couch potato than an intellectual. True knowledge is in the books – as it has been for ages. So why are so many complaining about society’s low regard for TV and movies? Being cultured and well educated has little or nothing to do with TV or general movies. A bit of reading takes you a lot further.


At November 10, 2005 9:14 AM, Blogger modern chassidish said...

Where is your science? Please cite your source(s).

At November 10, 2005 12:01 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

It is quite difficult to find the piece that I based that statement on. It basically reported recent findings that mice that were made to watch other mice navigate a maze, learnt close to nothing as opposed to the mice who themselves were the ones running through the maze.

I did find two other sites that sort of reflect part of what I was saying. One was research reporting that physical fitness increases blood flow to the brain, thus generating new blood cells. Subsequently the activity ensured a significant advantage in mental agility over the sedentary mice. Although the study finalizes with the reassurance that mental agility is as important as physical agility. Not that it can be derived from watching TV. More like challenging puzzles.

I also found a site that supported my claim – though not precisely what I was saying. Apparently research has confirmed that the less TV a child watched, the higher his scholastic scores were likely to be.

If you’ve got the patience – then by all mean, google it some more. Because quite frankly, I’ve got no patience anymore.

At November 10, 2005 12:33 PM, Blogger modern chassidish said...

correlation is not the same as causation

At November 10, 2005 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheitel, even with that 145 IQ, you obviously don't know much about cognitive and developmental psychology. Children learn most by modeling what they see.

At November 10, 2005 1:16 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

anon - you just said it yourself. They gotta 'model' what they see. Simply viewing teaches them nothing.

At November 10, 2005 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh, you first have to see to be able to model.The modeling is the output. The viewing is the input?

Personal question?
How do you know your IQ score? I'd love to find out my own.

At November 10, 2005 1:32 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

I took the test some years back. Just for the fun of it we had a sorta competition. I don't remember how we got those papers. but I believe there are websites, some with tests that are quite accurate. I guess you gotta google it.

At November 10, 2005 1:53 PM, Blogger modern chassidish said...


I was told by a psycologist that IQ test from the web are inaccurate.

At November 10, 2005 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble Sheitel, but I happen to be a psychologist who administers IQ tests to students on a daily basis.
I am appalled when laymen take these tests, and actually believe that the scores are valid.
These online tests are by no means scientific or valid. In fact, their scores are highly inflated.
An IQ score of 130 on the normal curve would indicate that you are smarter than 98 % of society.
An IQ score of 145 would imply that your sheitel is inganzen fardriet :)

At November 10, 2005 2:05 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

mod - it has been proven that IQ tests in general are not always accurate, since the same person can score differently on different tests, depending on the subject, one's patience, state of exhaustion, or even general mood.

At November 10, 2005 2:07 PM, Blogger modern chassidish said...

No you miss my point again. IQ tests from the web are not authentic IQ tests.

At November 10, 2005 2:09 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

My sheitel looks quite good. Thanks for your concern though.

I am sorry to disappoint you by my IQ is indeed 145. And this is not based on an online test.

And why this obsession with my IQ? would you all be more content if I claim to have an IQ of 130? If it would make anyone feel better - Hey, I aim to please.

At November 10, 2005 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to disappoint you by my IQ is indeed 145. And this is not based on an online test.

On what then is it based on?
Talk about credibility.....

At November 10, 2005 2:45 PM, Blogger Totally Content said...

What precisely would you like me to prove to you? (And why would I bother???) You want my photo ID and SS # too?

Who is talking about credibility? Someone who goes by anonymous.

At November 10, 2005 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't prove nothing, but at least make an effort to remember what you posted before you stumble all over yourself.

At November 12, 2005 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it that all those claiming to be intellectually thwarted keep going back to the community’s frowning upon TV and movies? Is that even where intelligence comes from?"

Ummm, I'm not here to challenge your assertion as a whole, but note that your first post is titled "Good Will Hunting".

At November 13, 2005 12:25 AM, Blogger Totally Content said...

Anon - there is no contradiction there. I am not denying that I occasionally watch movies. What I do claim is that one's intelligence isn't necessarily enriched by movies and certainly not by TV.

Anyone even mildly intelligent will agree that books will take you a lot further.

At November 13, 2005 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheitel, the people who point out chasdidusism's ban (ban, not "low regard") on TV, movies etc, do not do it because they believe therein lies the answer to mankind, they do it just to give an example of the isolation in which this culture rears its children.


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